Statement of Faith- Pastor Georges

Statement of Faith- Pastor Georges

I am a follower of Jesus Christ, the One and Only Son of God- who died and on the third day was resurrected by The Father. The Seventh-day Adventist doctrine, which I follow, too believes in this statement, but do not be misinformed. Though I follow one doctrine- I am a pastor to all. No matter race, sex, or religion I am; by HIS Grace, a lesser light reflecting The Greater Light. It has always been my mantra that it is not about doctrine but direction yet, I too am a firm believer that the doctrine to which one follows should lead them in the right direction, and that is to reflect Jesus Christ wholeheartedly. I, through studying the Scriptures and experience, have concluded that the church is not a building but a group of people called to live life godly- to act harnonious with biblical principles in all aspects of their personal and social life. Until HIS return I will continue to fight the good fight and spread the Good News to all who choose to hear.